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PROMISE Technology Transfer Day - 5 - 9 March 2013, CeBIT, Hannover, Germany

The aim of the PROMISE Technology Transfer Day is to put researchers, software developers and users together in order to facilitate a two-way communication of research advances and results by researchers, as well as the reverse flow of requirements and ideas from users and developers. The final goal is to stimulate the discussion on Information Access technolo-gies and provide a forum in which invited speakers can share their experiences,  identify common strategies and needs, and detect future challenges in this field.


Participation in the event is free of charge but subject to registration.

As the number of attendees is limited due to space constraints, please note that registration is binding, and will grant admission ticket to CeBIT and access to buffet lunch and afternoon coffee break.

Please register HERE to confirm your attendance by 25th February 2013.

PROMISE: Participative Research labOratory for Multimedia and Multilingual Information Systems Evaluation

Large-scale worldwide experimental evaluations provide fundamental contributions to the advancement of state-of-the-art techniques through common evaluation procedures, regular and systematic evaluation cycles, comparison and benchmarking of the adopted approaches, and spreading of knowledge. In the process, vast amounts of experimental data are generated that beg for analysis tools to enable interpretation and thereby facilitate scientific and technological progress.

PROMISE will provide a virtual laboratory for conducting participative research and experimentation to carry out, advance and bring automation into the evaluation and benchmarking of such complex information systems, by facilitating management and offering access, curation, preservation, re-use, analysis, visualization, and mining of the collected experimental data. PROMISE will:

  • foster the adoption of regular experimental evaluation activities;
  • bring automation into the experimental evaluation process;
  • promotecollaboration and re-use over the acquired knowledge-base;
  • stimulate knowledge transfer and uptake.

Europe is unique: a powerful economic community that politically and culturally strives for equality in its languages and an appreciation of diversity in its citizens. New Internet paradigms are continually extending the media and the task where multiple language based interaction must be supported. PROMISE will direct a world-wide research community to track these changes and deliver solutions so that Europe can achieve one of its most cherished goals.