CULTURA is a STREP (contract no. 269973, that aims at delivering innovative adaptive services and an interactive user environment which dynamically tailors the investigation, comprehension and enrichment of digital humanities artefacts and collections. Through the provision of such functionality, CULTURA can empower all users to investigate, comprehend and contribute to digital cultural collections. CULTURA will provide rigorous evaluation and validation of its adaptive services using high impact, contrasting, multicultural digital cultural heritage collections and diverse user communities and individuals. The CULTURA use cases, defined in collaboration with real users, will clearly illustrate how the adaptive environment will offer genuine user empowerment and unprecedented levels of engagement with these collections and communities.

PROMISE and CULTURA will cooperate along the following action lines:

- Investigation of proper evaluation methodologies for adaptive services for digital cultural collections;

- Cooperation to support dissemination, training, and awareness events which promote the goals of both projects.
Further action lines will be added as the cooperation among the two projects goes on.